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I'm back from my jaunt in Europe and the new semester's started, but I feel like I'm switching gears like someone who doesn't know how to drive a stick.

When I got home, there was about a month gap between then and moving back to the apartment for the Fall semester. The first week or so of doing nothing was awesome. After that, not so much. Don't get me wrong. I was so ready to be home, but I missed being able to hop on a bus and go do something.

But that was two months ago. Now the semester has started and it feels like I suddenly have to do ALL OF THE THINGS!! Though I'm only taking 12 credits, my Honors Thesis is due in February and I need to start collecting data soon (If the damn thesis board would approve my proposal, I could start!). It's like taking an extra class and a half-- or it feels like it anyway. And, unfortunately, my thesis work is the most appealing of all my classes. I surreptitiously (or not so surreptitiously) read during Intro to Linguistics, Japanese Translation is like a roller coaster in terms of workload, and I apparently 18th Century Brit. Lit. isn't my thing (which is sad) and I just can't keep on top of the reading (which is also sad). Also, work. Why is my senior year turning out to be so weird?!

Because both Zan and I were feeling crushed by all the things we had to do in September and we knew November was going to kick our ass (We're still doing NaNo. You have to have your priorities in order), we decided to lock ourselves out of Tumblr until the end of the semester. At the beginning, it worked out really well. I was getting my act together at the end of September and got everything done either on time or early(-ish). For awhile, I was ahead in LIN 201.

But now I feel like I've just been sitting around for the past two weeks twiddling my thumbs because nothing's due anytime soon. I'm waiting to hear back from the thesis board before I can start research, the workload in my classes have seemed to leveled out, and due dates all seem far away again. Now, I'm looking for things to keep me busy (like NaNo planning), and I'm thinking I'm going to try my hand at blogging again, and maybe twitter too (following Hailey is totally just an excuse to sign up for Twitter). Half to get my voice out there and refine it, half for posterity's sake, just so I have a record of my thoughts as a twenty-something year old, I like this idea.

So stay tuned! Hopefully, there'll be more activity here!

Of course, come November, my life is going to get kicked back up into high gear, but it'll be an adventure. That's what that's called, right?


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